Saturday, January 20, 2007

The Battle Between Redcross and Sansfoy

This is my most recent poem, in dactylic tetrameter. I can't say I'm very proud of it, but I promised to put all my poetry for school on here, so here it is. I don't know how much sense it will make for those of you who haven't read the first book of Edmund Spenser's The Fairy Queen, but I can tell you that Spenser did a much better job than I have here. I highly recommend that you read The Fairy Queen, it's a wonderful piece of classic fantasy

The Battle Between Redcross and Sansfoy

There was a woman as false as could be,
Tricking the innocent, never to flee
Her name was Fidessa, though no man e'er knew
In truth was Duessa, two faces she drew.

Redcross knight she deceived, drew him away
Making him think she did love him that day,
When really destruction for him did she want
Taking him to a bad pagan to taunt.

Waged they a battle, the blood it did flow
Time after time they exchanged blow for blow,
Till Redcross did smite him, he fell to the ground
The battle he'd lost, crumpled he in a mound.

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