Saturday, November 25, 2006

Two untitled poems written as an exercise in rhyming

For these poems, we were supposed to find words that rhyme in the rhyming dictionary, and make a poem out of them. The first is my favorite, though I think the second has more interesting meter.

There stood a boy, Pierre
In that grand and regal square
And on his face there was a stare
For, hanging in the chill night air
There, before all eyes was bare

An ominous nightmare.


Out from the midst of that great throng
There rose an earnest chief
Who began to sing out great and strong
A love song.

The song, it was a rich motif
Beautiful, though long
Many did pull forth their handkerchief
That ode to spinach leaf.

His song, it became so long
The crowd wished for a relief
But they found that, all along
There was no love song.

That song, it was not to spinach leaf,
But was a longing for a lunch
Of corned beef!

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